Islamic (halal) banking and its importance
In the lately time are growing informations about Islamic banking and Islamic finansial sevrices which are practing trough models of Islamic banking,Islamic insurance,Islamic investment fonds and emision of halal share(part)
Islamic banking is based on Sharia(islamic low),not existing of interests ,devision of risk trough banking betwen Bank and its clients,services by Shariah Low,and its influence on Economy,bank like partner in all bussiness actions and importance those princips for Muslims and islam and garating of keeping halal properies.
-Not existing of interests
Islamic banks,like all other banks have their role of agency betwen thrifty cliant and investor.
Thier principal role is to take and keep propeties of cliants trough giving diffrents kind of services for thrifty clients and investing and on that way creating of property which will after be used for diffrent kind of investment enterprises.
Than in what is diffrence betwnen Islamic and other banks???
That difference could be desribed in diffrente levels whcih mean diffrence in the basic princip of bussines,clients,the way of taking and keeping properties,so as in way investing those properies in diffrente bussines projects.
In Islamic banking the money is not cosider like goods,so like that it can not be offer.Other banks are offering money like principal good and the prise of that good is interest who is paying the cliente of that bank.
Islamic abnks are offering the goods like principal way of satisfaing the necesery of thier cliants trough models which are permisible with Shraih Low.
Those models are based on:
-Musharek(common bussiness project)
-marabeh(baying-selling models)
-selem(baying in advance)
-ijara wa iktina(leasing)
-qard al-hasen(kredits without interest
The most of services which Islamic banks are offering is based on partnership betwen Bank and her clients,where bank is sharing the resolt of bussines project and it is sharing risk with her clients.
Islamic banks are offering the equel rights to all cleints which shws and pruve that thier idea is valuable for ivesting.no metter do they have property with they could get back money in the way of mortgage on his property.
-Our halal alternative
On of the most importante thing for every Muslim is his property because he will be responable in front of Allah Subane we teal for the way on which he acquire thar property,the way how he spend it and the way how he multiply that property.
Shariah statment is very clear:"It is forbiden to give or to take interest" And on thart princip are based all Islamic banks.
Neither one bank is garanting to you that money which you are keeping on your account will not be used for production of alcohol,for gambling.....etc,but in onother side Islamic bank is garanting you that.
All other which is above mentioned is showing to us that Islamic banking is our halal alternative,which is also giving us oportunity to keep and multiply our property on halal way.
Hi Asja. First of all i would like to thank you for all your comments in my blog. Your blog its really good. For us westerners who don´t have much knowledge and information about the Islam, except what its presented to us on the news, and this is something we can´t trust because its basically anti Muslim world propaganda, your blog its a very good source of information. Don´t worry about the fact that this propaganda always give us Terrorist=Muslim, its all lies. We Know that! The problem is that our governments are the ones responsibles for all what is happening. 9/11, false flags operations done by the western governments and blaming the Muslims. It gives them the motive to invade countries and start wars! I just would like you know that people here don´t agree with our governments. It´s difficult to stop it, but we are trying! My blog its about it! Inform the public about all the lies they are telling us. It's not much, but its the only thing we can do!
Once again Asja; thank you! I'll visit your blog again...
Hi Asja. It's me again. just to say that i´ve linked your blog to mine. Maybe it´s important that people get to your blog and know a bit more about Islam.
Thank You!
Assalamu Aleicoumu(Peace be upon you) Inshallah.
May you be in the best state of heath and faith.
You are most welcome for my simple coments on your blog that is I must say once again wonderfull Mashallah.
I think it is very good and an excelent source of truth infomrations,and thank you for your respected opinion anf feelings towered my religion and religion of all Muslims Elhamdulillah.
I think it is very importante that we all respect each others and to make this world better place for all of us.Amin.
Like you said it is very importante that people do not compere Islam with terosrism because Terorism and killing of inocent people is forbiden in Islam and it is greatest sin because Allah(The Only God) sais in Holy Quran that He will punish those who are killing inocent people and Allah subahane we teala(The Most Mercyfull and The Most Compasionete) does not cosider them like Muslims Elhadmulillah and killing poeple is fobiden also in all other religions Elhamdulillah.
And thank you also for your beautiful words for my simple blog because it is wallahi only from my heart because we Muslims love Allah the most of everything,Islam and our beloved Prophet Mohammed s.a.v.s and all other Prophets a.s.
Inshallah may you find it very usefull and Inshallah that all learn a loot about Islam.
What I would also like to say is that media has enormous affects on public does not metter if they are saying truth or false informations and that is good that there are people like you who want to show the reality of our world.
Thank ou for adding my blog on your lsit Mashallah(:.
I hope Inshallah with Allahs help you all are going to find it very usefull and you too ofcourse.
And Inshallah I will also add your blog on my list.
May God bless you.
Thank you Asja for your kind words! What´s happening in our Westerns worlds it doesn´t have nothing to do with Islam. It´s just a pretext of our governments to blame someone to start police states, where everyone will be controlled with CCTV cameras, Biometrics, DNA databases etc. The Enemy, Islam it´s just an excuse to start their Brave New World!
To be honest, i don´t follow any religion; I have a bit of knowledge from all of them; Islam, Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Zoroastrism, etc. I like philosophy, for me it´s a sort of religion. It´s not much, but it helps to face the world!
Thank you Asja!
Asssalmu Alieocumu.
Inshallah may you be in the best state of health and faith.
You are most welcome and thank you also once again for your beautfiul words for Islam.
You said that you do not practise any religion but if you look all miracles from Allah than you will understand the reason of our creating and existing on this world and how much Allah gaved to mainkind Elhamduillah.Allah is really the Most Mercyfull and the Most compasionate,and what ever we do we could never be able to thank enough to Allah subane we teala.Even eyes that Allah has created for us is His great miracle SubanaAllah,and even for one eye we can not never thank enough to Allah.
The only way that we be thanfull to Allah for giving us life and all other that Allah has given us is to practise His Low,and to obey His Orders,and to folow His religion (Islam) which is true mercy and blessing for us.Thanks to Allah a loot for everything and especialy for sending us Holy Quran by His last Prophet Mohammed s.a.v.s.
In the Holy Quran Allah Almighty sais."And say,to me is verily clear who is my Lord"
"He is Allah the One,nobody is like Him and He is like none".
With all my respect you say that you like psilophy Mashallah and taht that helps you in this world.Mashallah that is very nice but it is not the same like religion.If you look in your hands you will see Allah singns and if you look in nature you will see everywhere Allah signs and existing of Allah.Religion is giving us happiness,hope,piece,blessing and reason of our life.Because if you do not know who create you than you do not have reason for life.But if you are Muslim and you are obeying to Allah(God orders) than you feel the msot greatest happiness because you live for Allah and you are excepting to see Allah Almighty,The Lord and Creator of everything and than you have reason for life.And veryily Allah has promised the most beautiful reword for belivers Elhamdulillah.Elhamdulillah Allah has prmissed to belivers that we will see Him and He promised to belivers ethernel life on onother world Jannah.All praise to Allah Almighty.If we only know Almighty atributes from Allah,we start Loving Allah the most of everything.
May Allah guide you Inshallah.
And can I ask you please where did you find my blog because I did not gave it to anyone(:???
But I am very glade that you find my blog because it may be usefull for you.Amin.
May God bless you and guide you InshAllah
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