Saturday, December 19, 2009

Allahs Love................story

***Allahs Love***
Some years ago on a hot summer day in south Florida, a little boy decided to go for a swim in the old swimming hole behind his house. In a hurry to dive into the cool water, he ran out the back door, leaving behind shoes, socks, and shirt as he went. He flew into the water, not realizing that as he swam toward the middle of the lake, an alligator was swimming toward him.His mother, in the house, was looking out the window and saw the two as they got closer and closer together. In utter fear, she ran toward the water, yelling to her son as loudly as she could.
Hearing her voice, the little boy became alarmed and made a U-turn to swim to his mother. It was too late.Just as he reached her, the alligator reached him. From the dock, the mother grabbed her little boy by the arms just as the Alligator snatched his legs. That began an incredible tug-of-war between the two. The alligator was much stronger than the mother, but the mother was much too passionate to let go. A farmer happened to drive by, heard her screams, raced from his truck, took aim and shot the alligator.
Remarkably, after weeks and weeks in the hospital, the little boy survived. His legs were extremely scarred by the vicious attack of the animal, and on his arms,were deep scratches where his mother's fingernails dug into his flesh in her effort to hang on to the son she loved. The newspaper reporter who interviewed the boy after the trauma asked if he would show him his scars. The boy lifted his pant legs. And then, with obvious pride, he said to the reporter, "But look at my arms. I have great scars on my arms, too. I have them because my Mom wouldn't let go.
"You and I can identify with that little boy. We have scars, too. No, not from an alligator, or anything quite so dramatic, but the scars of a painful past. Some of those scars are unsightly and have caused us deep regret.
But some wounds, my friend, are because Allah has refused to let go. In the midst of your struggle, He's been there holding on to you. Islam teaches us that Allah loves us. He wants to protect us and provide for us in every way. But sometimes we foolishly wade into dangerous situations. The swimming hole of life is filled with peril and we forget that the enemy(Satan) is waiting to attack. That's when the tug-of-war begins, and if we have the scars of His love on our arms, be very, very grateful. He did not and will not let us go.Please pass this on to those you love. Allah has blessed you, so that you can be a blessing to others. You just never know where a person is in his/her life and what they are going through. That is why it is so important that we make duaa for each other and hope for the best for each other. Insha Allah take a few seconds out of your busy schedules and forward this email to as many brothers and sisters that you love and care about.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Al Mujahids letter to his wife!!!

Al Mujahids letter to his wife

Dedicated to my princess

You never once complained when you knew we would have nothing.
When others would have left or moaned, you never let out a sigh.
You understoo that what was writeen was what we would eat.
I never once complain about what was put infront of me,as I knew it was your hands that brought it to me....
When I had nothing, I had you.
You put your trust in Rabb,and in return you foloowed me.
Never did I have to wonder about you as my secrets, my honours and my Deen were safe with you.
We both know what hardship you faces just for being with me, but not a work did you spoke, you were strong and in return you made me strong.
When other rush to please thier disares, you were the essence of Taqwa-
Life was easy for you and it came so naturally. You were the extension of me and I would never need to finish my words for who knew me better than you?
Youn knew your place which was beside my side. It is little things that makes a persone, and you would easily kept me for going lifetime. The way you looked at me with fire in your eyes, showed me that I was only one for you. You stole my heart and hide it away. I loved your yelousy, and I loved to tease you with thought about others,just to know how I was dear to you.What cahnce did Shaytan had when you,when you would ensure that fajr is the easisest salah.
I loved that Haq was dearer to you than my life and those of our jewels.
Waching you it mkaes me laugh as I wonder if my heart will ever want onother,as I see you feed our child,as you life her out of bath,as you wipe her litlle nose and the face she pools.
You will never find a diamond in the hands of another, just like our diamond deserves to be be carried in your hands.
We could have it all my love, but who seels Paradise for one hour of pleasure. Not Us.!!!
Our children will love what we love, they will love Allah The Most Glorifaid, The most high.
They will love those who they never met,but will long to meet. They will love better than us.They will love Prophets and the best of Companions.
They will live to honour one statment,la illahe illAllah, Muhammedn ResulAllah.Other will fall under of it but not they. Thier hearts will beet it,thier words testify it and their hands carry it.
Do not think that I left you.
Dont think that on this world anything is dearer to me than a minute when I walked home knowing what is waiting for me behid the closed doors.
I went to find a better place for us, I went to fullfill the best of deeds.
I find it written that if you give your life,the ethernity will be ours.
I saw it written somewhere that this was only a test,and I have no doubt that the One who promisses us must love me very much,as he gave me you and you were the hardest thing to give up.
They say that the mind ca not comrend waht waits for us,the sadness will be forgetten,and they say that eye has yet to see and ear has yet to hear all beauties that await us in our new home.
They say rivers of honey my love, they say rivers of wine and milk,they say pearl and gold thrones, they say musk and cool breezes.
It is not fitting that I go and see this land afar to take you and our children?
I fear that the gates of oportnity will close behind me my love.
I fear others will hear what I hear and rush there and I will have nothing to offer you.I know you will send our sons to look for thier father.
Tell them that they will find me in every battle,in every fight where the black falg is flown.Tell them that the pain will be pinch,and that they will see what I see, they will see the beautiful birds that came to meet them.
Tell them the Angels will call them with the best of names,and the most of all that Allah The One, The Ethernal will be pleased with them.I told you once that only two things will have me... you and death.
My life was with you,but now I need to marry again.I must marry waht was promissed to me when I was born. I must marry a death,
After death will come reconing and if I stand with the best of creation, with permission of Allah the Lord of everything I will beg for you....
None was worthy anough to stand by me in this life, so why should I look for other in onother world.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

***Captured by Talibans and entered Islaam***

Written by Yvonne Ridely's GPU Speech Friday,
19 January 2007 Yvonne Ridley's Speech at the 2006 Global Peace & Unity Conference, London. U.K. Sister Yvonne Ridley is the famous reporter, captured by the Taliban in Afghanistan who, after being held prisoner for some time, was allowed to leave provided she would do one thing: Read the Quran with an open mind. She did. And Allow opened her heart and brought her to Islam. This is truly an amazing woman with an amazing story. She shares her views and experiences in the real world of today . . .
I originally dedicated my speech at the Global Peace and Unity conference to Imam Anwar Al Awlaki, a prominent Muslim scholar highly regarded in English speaking Islamic circles, who was arrested in Yemen two months ago.But I must also thank brother Fahad Ansari from the Islamic Human Rights Commission, author of God Save The Deen, whose written work inspired me to write this speech. Much credit of content is due to him. Islamically, I am very young, having reverted in 2003 – and while I have much to learn I can identify with the frustrations shared by Muslims today. I know 9/11 had a huge impact on the world, but it wasn’t really the start of something … it was the continuation of a legacy of US imperialism and its fear of Islam.Just over ten years ago, fit, young Muslims across the globe flooded into Bosnia to help their brothers and sisters fight for their survival against the Serbs who were carrying out a genocide sanctioned by the silence of a watching world.
The jihad brought together Muslims from all nationalities, status and culture. All were united, even those who could not travel to fight helped in other ways such as fund-raising, public awareness events and demonstrations. The impact was to stop the genocide. Western intervention, when it happened, came only after it was obvious the Bosnian Muslims were heading for victory. The establishment of an Islamic state deep in the heart of Europe was simply too much to bear and so the West intervened. This is not my conclusion, but US President Bill Clinton admitted it in his autobiography.This fear of Islam has now evolved in the last 10 years to such an extent that the blood of our brothers and sisters is now flowing like rivers across Chechnya, Kashmir, Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq and we saw recently what happened to Lebanon.I have walked through many of these killing fields and let me tell you the twisted, blown up limbs of our Muslim brothers and sisters look exactly like those pulled from the rubble of the Twin Towers.Yet the message of today is quite clear.
Muslim blood is a cheap commodity.Meanwhile tens of thousands of innocent Muslims continue to be tortured in far away lands like Guantanamo Bay, Bagram airbase in Afghanistan, Abu Ghraib, Diego Garcia and ghost prisons throughout the world. Meanwhile, in the dungeons of Syria, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria Egypt … brothers are being tortured at the behest and request of the United States.And don't think the British Government is not involved ... British intelligence officers will soon be named and shamed for their roles.Even now nine British residents remain in Guantanamo Bay - the Americans don't want them, but neither does this Government. Despite the weasel words of the Foreign Office all it will take is a phone call to have the brothers released.And don't think it is just brothers being incarcerated and tortured - Moazzam Begg can still hear a sister's screams down the corridors of the torture cells in Afghanistan where he was held by the Americans. See him at the Cage Prisoners stand today and ask him what you can do to help. Because we can help. Hardly a single detainee has been released due to legal action, but through political pressure ... that is when governments get involved.You here today, can make a difference. Don't just sit here and get angry - get even.
Put pressure on your politicians and remind them you are their political masters.In Surah Al Asr – God promises that the whole of mankind, including Muslims is at loss. Except – those who BELIEVE, DO RIGHTEOUS DEEDS, and those who ENJOIN THE TRUTH, and PATIENCE. Only by fulfilling these four criteria, will we be able to meet Allah, however if we bury our heads in the sand, and pretend there is no oppression in the world, and that these brothers and sisters mean nothing to us, then maybe we will not get to meet Him.Even Ken McDonald, Britain’s chief prosecutor, is disgusted by this government's actions - he has launched a scathing attack on secret courts. These courts try terror suspects who are not allowed to see the evidence against them. It is an affront to justice. In an exclusive interview with Islam Channel News, he said: "We should be clear these principles are not negotiable.
Whatever the political pressures, whatever the climate, these are the essence of fairness: trials routinely opened and reported before independent and impartial tribunals. " We don't want secret courts, we don't want vetted judges, we don't want secret justice. Equality of arms; fairness between the Prosecution and the Defence is not negotiable; the right to call and cross-examine witnesses under equal conditions is not negotiable; the right to full disclosure of the State's case against you is not negotiable. "Defendants are entitled to know what the case against them is, and they're entitled to have material in the possession of the Crown which either undermines the Crown's case or assists the Defence’s case. A protected right of appeal is not negotiable. "And the presumption of innocence, the criminal standard of proof - beyond a reasonable doubt - with the burden of proof resting squarely on the Crown's shoulders, none of that is negotiable." And of course he is right - but Tony Blair says Muslims have got to stop having a victim mentality. Well when the Director of Public prosecutions starts whingeing, then may be we have a point.
Think about what sort of message that sends out to our young people?They read about the heroic exploits of Saladin Ayyoubi, Khalid bin Walid, Tariq bin Ziad and listen intently to stories of courage and bravery about our beloved Prophet Mohamed, peace be upon him.Do you know, five years ago I had never even heard of The Prophet, pbuh, but now I would give my last drop of blood to protect his name, his honour and his memory.
Even in death he showed how strong he was by uniting the Ummah in protest at those vile cartoons from Denmark.Our modern day heroes include those two sixties martyrs Malcolm X and Sayyid Qutb, both whose writings have helped define me as a Muslim. These are the sort of role models and influences our youth need to follow, but instead they receive confused and mixed messages.If Blair gets his way he will try and ban this book Milestones - he is told this is a book Usama bin Ladin has read ... well he's also read Sheikh Zubair that's Shakespeare to you and me. Should we ban 12th Night, Hamlet and other great classics?One minute our youth are told the fear no one but Allah (swt) while the next minute they are told to dilute their Islam and keep their heads down. Since the events of 9-11, there has been an unrelenting campaign launched to change Islam into something more palatable to Western society.
The vision is a secular and cultural Islam at peace with the world through her submission to her oppressors rather than to Allah; an Islam devoid of jihad, shari’ah and khilafah – the very things we are commanded by Allah to implement in order to establish Allah’s deen on this earth.And it is in evidence everywhere I look. Hijabs are being ripped off the heads of my sisters in Tunisia, France and Turkey. Sisters in Holland and Germany are also in the firing line.And in Britain, we have Jack Straw, the former British Foreign Secretary who questioned the veil – he might not like the nikab, but I wish he would put it on with a great big gag. I am not having a white, middle-aged man telling me or my sisters how to dress.
The nikab, like the veil, like the hijab has become a symbol of a rejection of those negative Western lifestyles like drug-taking, binge-drinking and promiscuity. It is a statement telling the West we don’t want to be like you.Muslims who choose to be more western than Westerners make me laugh – do they realize how silly they look to the rest of the world? They hide behind such descriptions as moderate – again what sort of message does that send to our young people? If we ask them to be moderate does that not suggest that there is something wrong with Islam that it needs to be toned down, diluted?What is a moderate and what is an extremist? I really don’t know. I am a simple Muslim. I follow no scholars or sects … I merely follow The Prophet (pbuh) and the Sunnah.Does that make me an extremist?
I don't think Tony Blair knows himself - I wrote to him three months ago and am still waiting for a reply.Being a Muslim is a bit like being pregnant. You are or you are not. Whoever heard of anyone being moderately pregnant?Islam has been under attack for 1400 years and we should have learned by now to put our trust in no one but Allah. Yet there are those who continue to kiss the hand which slaps them.I am afraid that we can no longer put our trust in to someone just because they might wear Islamic dress.
There are those Muslim leaders who claim to guide and protect us but not all of them have our interests at heart. Our young people are going to have to be very discerning since the events of 9/11, Bali, Madrid and the London Bombings, to name a few. There are individuals who for years rallied the masses to stand up for justice and support mujahideen groups around the world and now some have become embarrassingly silent while others condemn armed jihad, portraying mujahideen as terrorists and extremists who follow a distorted version of Islam. In some ways we are all to blame. Our greatest shame has been our silence while martyrdom operations in Palestine and other occupied lands have been condemned as acts of terror as witnessed in 9/11 and the July 7 bombings.Our young people have to be taught that what is happening in Palestine, Kashmir, Chechnya, Iraq and Afghanistan is legitimate resistance against a brutal military occupation, while crimes like 9/11 and the London bombings are blatant terrorism. Equating the two only betrays our brothers and sisters who have no other option but to fight or face being wiped off the face of this planet.
The new slaves of the West criticize Islamist parties and governance by shari’ah. I call them the Happy Clappies. They are being flown in by the Government from the US, Canada, Yemen and Mauritania to preach a diluted form of Islam.The end result of all this has been a dilution of the deen of Allah, a weak and pacified Islam willing to accept the status quo in which Muslims are oppressed and subjugated; an Islam in which Muslims condemn the actions of their brothers and sisters who courageously resist occupation and oppression with whatever they have.Even making dua for them now has become a crime – how long before we are told not to even pray for the mujahideen?
One of the greatest military generals the world has known, Saladin Ayyubi, the liberator of al-Quds, was once asked why he didn’t smile. He answered back that how could he smile while knowing that Masjid al-Aqsa, remained under Crusader occupation. I wonder what he would make of the state of the world today? This is a world where Arab leaders belly-danced shamelessly in front of America while handing Iraq over on a plate.The same Arab leaders look the other way as our beautiful Palestine is continually raped and sodomized, and that other great daughter of the Arab world, Lebanon … where was the Arab world when she was so brutally assaulted. And the war drums are beating again. Not only is the whole world watching, but so are our children, our youth, our future.We must nuture them, and inspire them with tales of the Prophet and the Sahaba. A
s long as the Ummah continues to throw up figures like Khalid bin Walid, Saladin Ayyoubi, Sayyid Qutb and Malcolm X all is not lost.The more we are oppressed by the tyrants the more we will fight back. That is the nature of Islam. And this is the Islam our youth need to follow, be guided by and inspired. We need to replace those leaders who have castrated themselves in a pathetic attempt to become more Western than the Westerners.Many Muslim youth are now realising that no matter how hard they compromise their deen to blend in with the wider society, when things go sour, they will be treated with suspicion. The more we are told to forget shari’ah, khilafah and jihad, the more Muslims will pay the blood price to uphold these values.
The jihad we are witnessing in Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Kashmir and Chechnya is something noble, a just war against injustice and tyranny.The actions of the jihadists pose absolutely no threat to the West or Western lifestyles and their resistance is not only justified but embraced and encouraged by international law. The real religious extremists who pose the greatest threat to radicalizing our youth are the Christian Fundamentalists in the White House and Downing Street. Bush and Blair have become al-Qaida’s finest recruiting officers. More and more young Muslims are waking up with the realisation that it is not terrorism or extremism that is being targeted but Islam itself. It is up to the Ummah to lead and inspire our youth, just as The Prophet led and inspired millions and continues to do so.And the first lesson we must teach our youth is to fear none but Allah (swt).