Al Mujahids letter to his wife
Dedicated to my princess
You never once complained when you knew we would have nothing.
When others would have left or moaned, you never let out a sigh.
You understoo that what was writeen was what we would eat.
I never once complain about what was put infront of me,as I knew it was your hands that brought it to me....
When I had nothing, I had you.
You put your trust in Rabb,and in return you foloowed me.
Never did I have to wonder about you as my secrets, my honours and my Deen were safe with you.
We both know what hardship you faces just for being with me, but not a work did you spoke, you were strong and in return you made me strong.
When other rush to please thier disares, you were the essence of Taqwa-
Life was easy for you and it came so naturally. You were the extension of me and I would never need to finish my words for who knew me better than you?
Youn knew your place which was beside my side. It is little things that makes a persone, and you would easily kept me for going lifetime. The way you looked at me with fire in your eyes, showed me that I was only one for you. You stole my heart and hide it away. I loved your yelousy, and I loved to tease you with thought about others,just to know how I was dear to you.What cahnce did Shaytan had when you,when you would ensure that fajr is the easisest salah.
I loved that Haq was dearer to you than my life and those of our jewels.
Waching you it mkaes me laugh as I wonder if my heart will ever want onother,as I see you feed our child,as you life her out of bath,as you wipe her litlle nose and the face she pools.
You will never find a diamond in the hands of another, just like our diamond deserves to be be carried in your hands.
We could have it all my love, but who seels Paradise for one hour of pleasure. Not Us.!!!
Our children will love what we love, they will love Allah The Most Glorifaid, The most high.
They will love those who they never met,but will long to meet. They will love better than us.They will love Prophets and the best of Companions.
They will live to honour one statment,la illahe illAllah, Muhammedn ResulAllah.Other will fall under of it but not they. Thier hearts will beet it,thier words testify it and their hands carry it.
Do not think that I left you.
Dont think that on this world anything is dearer to me than a minute when I walked home knowing what is waiting for me behid the closed doors.
I went to find a better place for us, I went to fullfill the best of deeds.
I find it written that if you give your life,the ethernity will be ours.
I saw it written somewhere that this was only a test,and I have no doubt that the One who promisses us must love me very much,as he gave me you and you were the hardest thing to give up.
They say that the mind ca not comrend waht waits for us,the sadness will be forgetten,and they say that eye has yet to see and ear has yet to hear all beauties that await us in our new home.
They say rivers of honey my love, they say rivers of wine and milk,they say pearl and gold thrones, they say musk and cool breezes.
It is not fitting that I go and see this land afar to take you and our children?
I fear that the gates of oportnity will close behind me my love.
I fear others will hear what I hear and rush there and I will have nothing to offer you.I know you will send our sons to look for thier father.
Tell them that they will find me in every battle,in every fight where the black falg is flown.Tell them that the pain will be pinch,and that they will see what I see, they will see the beautiful birds that came to meet them.
Tell them the Angels will call them with the best of names,and the most of all that Allah The One, The Ethernal will be pleased with them.I told you once that only two things will have me... you and death.
My life was with you,but now I need to marry again.I must marry waht was promissed to me when I was born. I must marry a death,
After death will come reconing and if I stand with the best of creation, with permission of Allah the Lord of everything I will beg for you....
None was worthy anough to stand by me in this life, so why should I look for other in onother world.
Dedicated to my princess
You never once complained when you knew we would have nothing.
When others would have left or moaned, you never let out a sigh.
You understoo that what was writeen was what we would eat.
I never once complain about what was put infront of me,as I knew it was your hands that brought it to me....
When I had nothing, I had you.
You put your trust in Rabb,and in return you foloowed me.
Never did I have to wonder about you as my secrets, my honours and my Deen were safe with you.
We both know what hardship you faces just for being with me, but not a work did you spoke, you were strong and in return you made me strong.
When other rush to please thier disares, you were the essence of Taqwa-
Life was easy for you and it came so naturally. You were the extension of me and I would never need to finish my words for who knew me better than you?
Youn knew your place which was beside my side. It is little things that makes a persone, and you would easily kept me for going lifetime. The way you looked at me with fire in your eyes, showed me that I was only one for you. You stole my heart and hide it away. I loved your yelousy, and I loved to tease you with thought about others,just to know how I was dear to you.What cahnce did Shaytan had when you,when you would ensure that fajr is the easisest salah.
I loved that Haq was dearer to you than my life and those of our jewels.
Waching you it mkaes me laugh as I wonder if my heart will ever want onother,as I see you feed our child,as you life her out of bath,as you wipe her litlle nose and the face she pools.
You will never find a diamond in the hands of another, just like our diamond deserves to be be carried in your hands.
We could have it all my love, but who seels Paradise for one hour of pleasure. Not Us.!!!
Our children will love what we love, they will love Allah The Most Glorifaid, The most high.
They will love those who they never met,but will long to meet. They will love better than us.They will love Prophets and the best of Companions.
They will live to honour one statment,la illahe illAllah, Muhammedn ResulAllah.Other will fall under of it but not they. Thier hearts will beet it,thier words testify it and their hands carry it.
Do not think that I left you.
Dont think that on this world anything is dearer to me than a minute when I walked home knowing what is waiting for me behid the closed doors.
I went to find a better place for us, I went to fullfill the best of deeds.
I find it written that if you give your life,the ethernity will be ours.
I saw it written somewhere that this was only a test,and I have no doubt that the One who promisses us must love me very much,as he gave me you and you were the hardest thing to give up.
They say that the mind ca not comrend waht waits for us,the sadness will be forgetten,and they say that eye has yet to see and ear has yet to hear all beauties that await us in our new home.
They say rivers of honey my love, they say rivers of wine and milk,they say pearl and gold thrones, they say musk and cool breezes.
It is not fitting that I go and see this land afar to take you and our children?
I fear that the gates of oportnity will close behind me my love.
I fear others will hear what I hear and rush there and I will have nothing to offer you.I know you will send our sons to look for thier father.
Tell them that they will find me in every battle,in every fight where the black falg is flown.Tell them that the pain will be pinch,and that they will see what I see, they will see the beautiful birds that came to meet them.
Tell them the Angels will call them with the best of names,and the most of all that Allah The One, The Ethernal will be pleased with them.I told you once that only two things will have me... you and death.
My life was with you,but now I need to marry again.I must marry waht was promissed to me when I was born. I must marry a death,
After death will come reconing and if I stand with the best of creation, with permission of Allah the Lord of everything I will beg for you....
None was worthy anough to stand by me in this life, so why should I look for other in onother world.
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