Wednesday, August 27, 2008


The time was spinding round in a circle. The day was coming, and the night was going away. The children were growthing, changing their look, and their look were changing Adem a.s. and Hava. Their bodys were loseing their youth freshness, beauty and strenght. Their skin was becomeing more and more winkle. Behind them they have left many years spend in a big effort fulfill with constant worry and fight. All that they were attending they attended it hard. And on that way they have realised that behind every scess on this world stays big effort. The many years past away, and on the Earth many times again the night was droping down. It was a special night, different then the others. That night was a witness of something that hapend for the first time on the Earth. The win was blowing strongly. The leafs were folling down from old trea that was plant by Adem a.s. When the win stoped blowing and the trea stranghten up from twigs was droping the water, and it seemd that the trea was crying. The trea was very sad just like the stars on the sky. Only the Moon with his silver face quietly watched on the Earth. He felt that down on the Earth was hapening something huge and important, but he did not know what. So he gave an order to his rays, to go fast on Earth and bring him a news about that what was hapening there. And his rays drop down on the Earth and light up hills, rivers, seas and valleys. They were supprised: all creatures were depressed and they were crying. The rays then entered in Adems room, trying to realise why the creatures were so sad. They drop down on Adems face and it was palier and silverier than the face of the Moon. And than it was when Moon has realised that Adem a.s. was daying. So he start to cry to... Adem in his last moments on This world called his children. He spoke to them quietly and distinctly: " Children, there is one ship which takes man way of salvation and there is also one weapon that makes one person strong. That ship is Gods instruction and the weapon are Gods words". The children were listening carefuly, but they did not knew that they are listening the voice of their father for the last time. "You have to know that Allah will never live you alone". Carry over to your children that Gods messangers will come, so respond to their call... And never do forget on dear God. Than he stiff his look and sow that Melek of death was coming to him. That was the first human death on Earth. The death of first man and first Gods messanger.

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